by juliegunnigle | Nov 2, 2021 | Criminal Legal System
If you or a loved one have lost civil rights or firearm rights as a result of a felony conviction, this go live is for you. Join ABC15’s Melissa Blasius, attorney Kris Califano, and me in answering your questions on the rights restoration process and more. Click...
by juliegunnigle | Jul 15, 2021 | Cannabis, Criminal Legal System
If you have an Arizona conviction, charge, arrest, or adjudication, you may be eligible to have it cleared from your record and expunged forever. When voters passed Prop. 207, they included expungement provisions that let people clear all traces of the following...
by juliegunnigle | Jul 12, 2021 | Cannabis, Criminal Legal System
Expungements went live in Arizona today. To talk about what that means for people with a previous conviction, Arizona NORML and Julie Gunnigle joined ABC15. The expungements available under Proposition 207 give people a true second chance. They seal any records of...
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